[GRASSLIST:5453] Re: NVIZ - point of view vs. zexaggeration

Nick Cahill ndcahill at facstaff.wisc.edu
Mon Feb 3 10:33:15 EST 2003

Sorry, the answer should have been obvious. It's a linear relationship 
-- cut the z-exaggeration in half, double the height of the camera, and 
the point of view remains the same. Easy.

Nick Cahill

On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 05:17  PM, Nick Cahill wrote:

> In NVIZ, as you change the vertical exaggeration, the point of view of 
> the camera shifts as well. I would like to make an animation in which 
> the vertical exaggeration rises from 0 to 1 while the camera stays 
> steady. Is this possible? Is it possible to hold the point of view 
> steady while changing the vertical exaggeration? Many thanks for any 
> advice --
> Nick Cahill
> Dept of Art History
> Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

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