[GRASSLIST:5576] (no subject)
Jan Bartholdy
mailing_list at jan-bartholdy.de
Mon Feb 17 02:57:29 EST 2003
Dear Kenlo,
if do you not be afraid to go dertours, try to translate the hdf-eos files
into arc/info ascii grids using the attached translator (a free program from
the MODIS/DAAC server). Please have in mind that MODIS data are not always
in the hdf-eos format, native hdf4 is also used for some products. I use
actually mapped MODIS AQUA oceal L3 data, translate them with the attached
egnt program into ascii grids and import them into grass using r.in.arc. I
thing, your MODIS file are land data; you can use the modis reprojection
tool to manipulate the data and translate them into anscii-grids:
http://edc.usgs.gov/programs/sddm/modisdist/index.shtml The reprojection
tool is fot land data only. I am sorry that r.in.hdf does not work. Please
let me know, if you have other ideas.
Cheers, Jan
Dr. Jan Bartholdy
Schillerstr. 28
D-16515 Friedrichsthal
EMail mailto at jan-bartholdy.de
Phone +49 (0)3301 808129
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WWW: www.jan-bartholdy.de
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu [mailto:owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu]On
Behalf Of nishida at bres.tsukuba.ac.jp
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 7:45 AM
Cc: recipient list not shown:
Subject: [GRASSLIST:5564] r.in.hdf
Dear GRASS users:
I would like to ask your help.
I have troubles using r.in.hdf in GRASS5.0.1 and GRASS4.3
on Linux on my intel-PC.
On GRASS5.0.1 I found r.in.hdf had not been installed,
hence I tried to install it by myself by running "# gmake5"
under ~/grass5.0.1/src.garden/grass.hdf/ but I came up with
some error messages like this:
No rule to make target "-lgis" which is necessary for
(To tell the truth, this may not be very accurate because I
translated it from the original error message in Japanese
in my Linux system).
I found in the past logfiles of the GRASS mailing-list that
may solve this problem (thanks to Mr. Neteler) but unfortunately
the ftp server did not respond.
On GRASS4.3, I downloaded a precompiled binary and found that
r.in.hdf was one of default commands already compiled in the
binary. I tried to use it for two HDF files: a SPOT-Vegetation
radiometric data as well as MODIS data (MOD02QKM), but in both
case, I came up with messages as follows and obtained no data in
raster data lists at g.list.
Large file - reading row by row.
Writing GRASS output file: hdf.rast01
WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North
I know the HDF format of MODIS is not pure HDF but HDF-EOS and
I guessed this "dialect" in HDF might caused this problem, but
I do not know any possible problems with SPOT-Vegetation.
As long as I tried, other basic functions of GRASS4.3 and
GRASS5.0.1 seem to be working on my system.
I appreciate any comments concerning to these troubles.
Kenlo Nishida,
University of Tsukuba,
kenlo at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp
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