[GRASSLIST:5625] AW: s.in.ascii
Jan Bartholdy
mailing_list at jan-bartholdy.de
Fri Feb 21 05:38:08 EST 2003
....the error was the missing third column.......
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu [mailto:owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu]Im
Auftrag von Jan Bartholdy
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Februar 2003 10:36
An: English Grasslist
Betreff: [GRASSLIST:5623] s.in.ascii
Dear All
I tried to import the following file with x y point data with s.in.ascii
(Grass5.0.0, cygwin, Windows 2000):
13.98 -9.30
14.35 -13.52
14.09 -21.66
16.20 -23.77
15.34 -24.30
19.41 -35.84
27.12 -35.89
29.50 -34.87
29.50 -31.61
34.87 -28.35
34.62 -27.44
26.93 -25.20
36.84 -20.94
and got the following message:
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610A9FA2
eax=30302C29 ebx=10030868 ecx=30302C28 edx=10030C70 esi=00000000
ebp=0022F500 esp=0022F4D8
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0022F500 610A9FA2 (610BF030, 00000400, 0022F518, 6109E9DE)
0022F560 610AD470 (10030414, 00404C70, 0022F5B0, 0040AE95)
0022F580 610AA5EC (10030414, 00000000, 0022F5F0, 01C2D98B)
0022F5B0 6109EDAE (0022F5F0, 00000400, 10030414, 00404D32)
0022F9F0 00404CD7 (0022FA70, 00000000, 0022FA2C, 00000008)
0022FA30 00404B0E (0022FA70, 00000000, 0022FB70, 004049C6)
0022FB70 004049D1 (00401BA0, 00401B31, 100307D0, 0022FBD0)
0022FDD0 00402307 (10030364, 00000000, 00000000, 0022FE18)
0022FEE0 004015F9 (00000001, 6168278C, 10030278, 0022FF14)
0022FF30 61005B8E (610C29AC, FFFFFFFE, 0000002C, 610C28D0)
0022FF90 61005E2C (00000000, 00000000, 80430D77, 00000000)
0022FFB0 0041E732 (00401264, 037F0009, 0022FFF0, 77E87D08)
0022FFC0 0040103C (00000000, 0022F298, 7FFDF000, 61116B48)
0022FFF0 77E87D08 (00401000, 00000000, 000000C8, 00000100)
End of stack trace
Can anybody help? Thank you,
Dr. Jan Bartholdy c/o Prof. Martin Langer
Institute of Paleontology
University of Bonn
Nussallee 8
53115 Bonn
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