[GRASSLIST:5642] Controlling z-multiplier in NVIZ animations

Nick Cahill ndcahill at facstaff.wisc.edu
Sat Feb 22 18:24:13 EST 2003

I would like to make a simple animation in NVIZ in which the 
z-exaggeration value increases from zero to one. In the regular 
animation panel, there doesn't seem to be a control for changing the 
z-exag value; the last value set is used for the whole animation. It 
sounds from the help file as if I could create a new channel within the 
keyframe animator, which would track the z-exag value. However, I don't 
know tcl/tk and the get and set procedures are beyond me. Is there 
another way to do this within NVIZ, or do I have to go out and learn 
tcl/tk, or has someone out there written such a function and could help 
me out? Or is the scripting tool more appropriate? I tried this and got 
an error "X server insecure (must use xauth-style authorization); 
command ignored" when I clicked the Add button. I'm running Mac OSX, 
with XDarwin. I'm not sure that the scripting tool could do this, 
anyway. Any help would be appreciated greatly.

Many thanks in advance,

Nick Cahill

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