[GRASSLIST:5645] v.digit color mismatch found

cheg01 at attbi.com cheg01 at attbi.com
Sun Feb 23 05:10:46 EST 2003

I found the source of the incorrect behavior of the
v.digit->Customize->Color menu. The color names do not match the colors
used in the display fo the following reason:

The colors used in the display are defined in the file
#define D_COLOR_LIST:

The color names used in v.digit are defined in the file
static char *color_names[] = {
    "            ",
    "       red",
    "  orange",
    "  yellow",
    "   green",
    "      blue",
    "   indigo",
    "    violet",
    "    white",
    "    black",
    "      grey",
    "   brown",
    "     aqua",
    "            ",
    "            "

To fix it, edit the color_names list to match the D_COLOR_LIST and
recompile v.digit.

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