[GRASSLIST:5666] [jwm-grassnew, new, new, -tcltk GUI]

Jason Morgan jwm-grass at sentinelchicken.net
Tue Feb 25 15:43:27 EST 2003

$ man grass5

       If you start GRASS using the  Tcl/Tk  interface you  must
       have  a wish command in your $PATH variable. That is, the
       command must be named wish and not something like wish8.3.
       By  default,  a Tcl/Tk installation does not create a wish
       command. Thus, the system  administrator  must  create  an
       appropriate link to the actual wish program.

       For  example, suppose Tcl/Tk 8.3 programs are installed in
       /usr/local/bin. Then the system administrator should go to
       the  /usr/local/bin  directory  and run the commands ln -s
       wish8.3 wish and ln -s tclsh8.3 tclsh to properly  install
       Tcl/Tk for use with GRASS.

       Furthermore,  if  you have more than one version of Tcl/Tk
       installed, make sure that the version you want to use with
       GRASS  is  the first version found in your $PATH variable.
       GRASS searches your $PATH  variable  until  it  finds  the
       first version of wish.

Hope that helps.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:05:21PM +0200, Trigas Basileios wrote:
> (i'm new, very new)
> i'm trying to access the -tcltk environment but it shows me this message :
> grass -tcltk...
> starting GRASS...
> WARNING : The Wish command (wish) was not found!
> please check your GRASS_Wish environment variable.
> use the help option for details.
> switching to text based interface mode.
> _______
> what i have to do ?

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