[GRASSLIST:5295] Tiger Line Data

Jason Morgan jwm-grass at sentinelchicken.net
Fri Jan 10 10:54:51 EST 2003

Hello All:

I have a question regarding Tiger Line data and import into GRASS. I
downloaded the data from the Census website for King County, WA and
unzipped it into directory. I managed to get the data imported into
GRASS with the following commands:

v.in.tig.basic t1=TGR53033.RT1 t2=TGR53033.RT2 out=king spheroid=grs80
v.support king

(I moved state27 to state27.bak and copied state83 to state27 in grass/bin)

I was then able to view the area and I was able to zoom in and out
just fine; however, when I go to view the properties of a vector
(v.what.vector) it gives me the following:

Area - Category <not tagged>
Size - Sq Meters: 0.000		Hectares: 0.000
           Acres: 0.000		Sq Miles: 0.0000

-122.33474805(E) 47.64248926(N)
king in u-district  Line - Category 186583447 
Area - Category <not tagged>
Size - Sq Meters: 0.000		Hectares: 0.000
           Acres: 0.000		Sq Miles: 0.0000

Now, I have a couple questions:

1) Did I import the data correctly and what are all of those other
files that came from Tiger (file names follow)?

	TGR53033.RT3 - TGR53033.RT9
	TGR53033.RTA, TGR53033.RTC, TGR53033.RTH, TGR53033.RTI,
	TGR53033.RTP, TGR53033.RTR, TGR53033.RTS, TGR53033.RTZ

2) Is it possible to label the vectors (put names on the roads)?

3) Can I divide the 'king' vector data that I have created into
different layers based on category when the categories don't seem to
be working? I believe road and tract data is included in the Tiger
data, both of which I need, but I can't make out what's what given
that all of the lines are the same color.

I appreciate any help someone could give me. I am new to GRASS and
somewhat new to GIS (worked with ArcView) and I have to get a major
project done by the end of the month (boss promised a client we could
do the work, of course I'm the one who has to do it since he doesn't 
even know what GIS is).


Jason Morgan

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