[GRASSLIST:643] Re: how to turn raster

Andrew selkiesdad at comp10680.potsdam.edu
Mon Jul 7 08:38:52 EDT 2003

You could export the raster as an ascii file and use scripts to reorder 
the raster, i.e. use a new scanline format , and easily implement 90 and 
180 degree rotations

H Bowman wrote:
>>is it possible to turn a raster-file (or only the display) clockwise
>>or  counterclockwise in grass5.0?  
> g.region rast=RasterName
> r.out.png in=RasterName out=raster.png
> pngtopnm raster.png | pnmflip -ccw | pnmtopng > raster_rotated.png
> rm raster.png
> Hamish

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