[GRASSLIST:679] Re: raster categories and floating point attribute values

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed Jul 9 23:17:16 EDT 2003

Steven Stoddard wrote:

> I am currently in the process of learning grass and trying to assemble 
> a database to work off of for my research.  I am importing many files 
> and trying to get them into a raster format that is amenable to 
> analysis--floating point or integer maps.  I have maps though that were 
> imported from .e00 that are in raster format, but are categorized 
> sequentially (e.g. 1-120) and their labels are a floating point value.  
> How do I get rid of the category number and instead have only the fp 
> value so I can do manipulations with mapcalc etc?

You can access the category label in r.mapcalc using the "@" operator.
Consequently, you can create a new map which has the label in place of
the category using e.g.:

	r.mapcalc 'outmap = @inmap'

You cannot reclass an integer map to a floating-point map; reclass
tables are strictly an integer-to-integer translation.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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