[GRASSLIST:682] Re: xy to Lat Long. , shp files,

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Jul 10 04:56:20 EDT 2003

Ramin Safa said:
> Hi,
> According to import shap file(defined: x,y coordinats)i
> wanted to disply map in grass by using UTM(latitude
> longitude)in a scale=1:50000,but i couldn't disply it and
> only when i use xy definition i can disply the map.

That probably means that your file is in xy coordinates, and not in UTM.
But try g.region vect=NameOfYourMap, then d.erase and the d.vect and see
what happens.

> i think because of this, scale map is not true and also
> when i run v.report the area is not true.

If you are using the wrong system in relation to your file this will
indeed not work.

> How can i use UTM(latitude longitude)not UTM meter with a
> permanent scale(1:50000).(changing xy to latitude longitude
> whithout any problem)

You will have to reproject your file from the x,y location to the UTM
location. Use http://grass.itc.it/gdp/html_grass5/html/v.proj.html for a
vector map.


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