[GRASSLIST:707] Re: r.colors color=rules

Gustavo Alcides Concheiro gacp at d-konstruktors.org
Fri Jul 11 15:46:23 EDT 2003

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Kurt Springs wrote:

> When you are setting color=rules for elevations, how do you
> indicate what levels you want to change colours?  For instance, you wanted
> the lower 0 to 100m to be green and 100 to 200metres to be yellow, how would
> this be expressed when you are typing out the color=rules?

May be not the canonical way, but works for me:

	0	green
	99.999	green
	100 	yellow
	200	yellow

lets say: I care about 500--1000m.  I'd do something like this:

	0 101 101 101
	499.999	101 101 101
	500 blue
	750 green
	1000 yellow
	1000.001 204 204 204	
	10000 204 204 204

This gives you dark grey for all land below 500 meters,  a 
blue-to-green-to-yellow  gradient for lands 500--1000 m high, and light 
grey for terrain above 1000 m.



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