[GRASSLIST:784] mixing old and new sites formats

viktoras viktorasn at netscape.net
Tue Jul 22 06:35:12 EDT 2003

I "crashed" into some problems while working...

I am using Grass 5.0.

1) I digitized my sites. Then used v.to.sites for conversion.
But the result sites file was in the "old" format, while some GRASS 
modules require "new" format and some of them refuses to work with old 
:-(  or with new.

s.surf.rst asks and modifies that file to a new format but only when run 
from a terminal, it just produces a message and exits under tk/tcl 
while s.surf.idw worked only with "new" format

I wrote a small script to copy that file to a new format (x|y|%z1 %z2).
Now interpolations go well, but then d.site.labels refuses to display 
labels unless site atribute is defined as double and s.voronoi refuses 
to put labels indicating: syntax error in numbers parameter without any 
possibility to select "double" format which worked in d.site.labels. Did 
they expect the old sites format ?

Or am I doing something wrong ?

2) In some cases while doing s.surf.rst it displays message G_ludcmp() 
failed! n=0.
What does it mean ? Is it so that "0" can not be used as an elevation ?


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