[GRASSLIST:797] r.statistics

Ulrich Leopold uleopold at science.uva.nl
Wed Jul 23 10:45:51 EDT 2003

Dear list,

when I use r.statistiucs in GRASS-5.0.2 I get the following error

"ERROR: This module currently only works for integer (CELL) maps"

I am using a category map as base map and a floating point map as cover.
This error does not appear when I use r.average with the same raster

Is there a bug in r.statistics? Or do I still have to assign category
values to one of the maps?



Ulrich Leopold MSc.

Dep. Phys. Geography and Soil Science
Inst. for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
NL-1018 WV Amsterdam

Phone: +31-(0)20-525-7456 (7451 Sectretary)
Fax:   +31-(0)20-525-7431
Email: uleopold at science.uva.nl

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