[GRASSLIST:820] Re: Problems importing a GMT grd file

David Finlayson dfinlays at u.washington.edu
Sat Jul 26 02:53:45 EDT 2003

I tried the grdreformat line as you suggested, now r.in.bin gives the 
following error:

North must be larger than South

Has the header been corrupted in the conversion?  Does r.in.bin accept 
scientific (exponential) notation in the header?  The Northing 
coordinates are given in exponential notiation in triangle.grd as you 
can see below in my first post.

This is a UTM Zone 10 grid created from XYZ data with the following 
script (Note the UTM coordinates and non-geographic projection):

echo " *** Filter the data and convert to grid *** "
gmtconvert 02022_utm.xyz -bo > utm.b
blockmedian utm.b -bi -I10 -R534090/548020/5322430/5346610 -V > median.xyz

echo " *** Build Triangle Grid *** "
triangulate median.xyz -I10 -E -Gtriangle.grd -R -JX25i/40i -V -M > 

echo " *** Convert Grid to proper type for GRASS *** "
grdreformat triangle.grd=0 triangle.bin=1 -V -R

Then in GRASS:

r.in.bin -fh in=triangle.bin out=shoals.gmt

Thanks for your help!


Sandro Klippel wrote:

> Try use 
>>grdreformat triangle.grd=0 triangle.bin=1
> and then
>>r.in.bin -hf in=triangle.bin out=shoals.gmt
> On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 15:18, David Finlayson wrote:
>>I have created a GMT grid file from point data using GMT's triangulate 
>>command.  When I tried to import the grd with r.in.bin, I received an 
>>error saying there was an invalid row value. Is there something I am 
>>doing wrong?
>>Here are some details:
>>GRASS:~/shoals > gridinfo triangle.grd
>>triangle.grd: Title:
>>triangle.grd: Command: triangulate -JX25i/40i median.xyz -I2 -E 
>>-Gtriangle.grd -R534090/548020/5322430/5346610 -V -M
>>triangle.grd: Remark:
>>triangle.grd: Normal node registration used
>>triangle.grd: grdfile format # 0
>>triangle.grd: x_min: 534090 x_max: 548020 x_inc: 2 units: user_x_unit 
>>nx: 6966
>>triangle.grd: y_min: 5.32243e+06 y_max: 5.34661e+06 y_inc: 2 units: 
>>user_y_unit ny: 12091
>>triangle.grd: z_min: -11.945 z_max: 48.91 units: user_z_unit
>>triangle.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
>>GRASS:~/shoals > r.in.bin -hf in=triangle.grd out=shoals.gmt
>>Illegal row value
>>I am using GRASS 5.0.2 (April 2003) and GMT 3.4.3 both on Cygwin/XP
>>David Finlayson
>>School of Oceanography
>>Box 357940
>>University of Washington
>>Seattle, WA  98195-7940
>>Office: Marine Sciences Building, Room 112
>>Phone: (206) 616-9407
>>Web: http://students.washington.edu/dfinlays

David Finlayson
School of Oceanography
Box 357940
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195-7940

Office: Marine Sciences Building, Room 112
Phone: (206) 616-9407
Web: http://students.washington.edu/dfinlays

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