[GRASSLIST:848] Ellipsoid Shift For GRASS Vector Map

Vidya Kotamraju vidyakr at darya.nio.org
Tue Jul 29 04:46:17 EDT 2003

Hello all,

I have a GRASS vector map that has been converted from a toposheet.This 
vector map is based on the "everest" spheroid/ellipsoid.I have a few 
GRASS raster maps that are based on the "WGS84" ellipsoid.

I need to overlay the vector map on these raster maps.

How do i go about converting the ellipsoid of the vector map from 
everest to WGS84 ? What command can i use ? I am not sure if i can us 
the "m.datum.shift" command for this. However, if i can go ahead with 
"m.datum.shift", what values do i need to provide in the lat and lon 
parameters of the command?

any pointers ?

Vidya Kotamraju.
The way things appear to me, in that way they exist for me;
and the way things appears to you, in that way they exist for you.
Kotamraju Vidya
Marine HydroDynamics Lab,
Physical Oceanography Division,
National Institute of Oceanography,
Dona Paula, Goa 403 004, India.
Ph.: +91-832-2456700 *4400 (O)
      +91-832-2541756 (R)
e-mail: vidyakr at darya.nio.org

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