[GRASSLIST:854] Re: 2: UNSOLVABLE problem in GRASS!!?

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Jul 29 03:16:38 EDT 2003

Ramin Safa wrote:

> GRASS:~ > r.mapcalc new="if(isnull(bound11r),slope11r%%,bound11r)"
> parse error
> Parse error
> I've checked any thing,but i dont know why eror?

You have to quote map names which contain any of the following



	r.mapcalc new="if(isnull(bound11r),'slope11r%%',bound11r)"

Map names can be quoted using either single or double quotes; however,
when entering the expression on the command line, you have to take
shell syntax into account.

Also, you can't use a quoted map name on the LHS of the expression, so
r.mapcalc can't create maps which use any of the above characters,
although it can read them.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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