[GRASSLIST:281] Re: r.mapcalc puzzler

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Jun 3 07:58:55 EDT 2003

H Bowman wrote:

> I'm using a modification of the script given here:
> http://op.gfz-potsdam.de/GRASS-List/Archive/msg07811.html
> which includes the following mapcalc magic to do a better r.grow:
> r.mapcalc << EOF
>  grown = if(      $src,       $src,		\\
> 	 if($src[0,-1], $src[0,-1],      \\
> 	  if( $src[0,1],  $src[0,1],	  \\
> 	   if($src[-1,0], $src[-1,0],      \\
> 	    if( $src[1,0],  $src[1,0]       \\
> 	)))))
> Now this was working fine.. but after playing with the script it would
> break on the mapcalc line with:
> undefined function: 
> Syntax error
> Ok so looking through it, I can't make sense why it is failing. Adding a
> ",0" to the last "if" fixes it, but that shouldn't be necessary:
> if(x,a)        a if x not zero, 0 otherwise
> if(x,a,b)      a if x not zero, b otherwise
> I tried removing all whitespace too, no luck.
> I've got it working now with the extra, just can't figure out why
> it broke, which bugs me. This is the r.mapcalc3 from 5.0.2, bash, and
> linux.
> previously, I'd gotten this error:
> Illegal filename. character <> not allowed.ERROR: open_map: map [] not found 
> when I had src=grown.tmp$$. That went away sometime after I made
> it just grown.tmp though.
> Can't see what I'm missing.

I can't reproduce the problem here.

Could some kind of non-printing character have crept into the script?

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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