[GRASSLIST:323] GRASS and the Norwegian coordinate systems (NGO48)

Lars Forseth larsf at powertech.no
Mon Jun 9 15:46:38 EDT 2003

Hello list!

Can any of you answer me on this: Is it possible to use data in the Norwegian 
coordinat system NGO48 (national grid for Norwegian maps, scale 1:1000 > 
1:5000 in GRASS 5.x. (Maps from 1:50.000 and greater are normaly in UTM and 
either Ed50 or WGS84/Euref89 - so no problem with those)). The system is 
based on a Gauss-Krueger (Transversal Mercator) projection with a datum at 
Oslo, based on a modified Bessel ellipsoid. Coordinates are x,y and z. X is 
north-south (always positive), Y is positive towards east along the 58 
degrees (latitude?), so we have negative cordinates West of Oslo. The system 
operates with 8 axes (I-VIII).

Lars Forseth
Nord-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune
County Council of N-Troendelag

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