[GRASSLIST:327] Re: How can I do for getting a lake's area?

Malte Martin malte at geog.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jun 10 03:25:06 EDT 2003

Alip.Yasin wrote:


of course you can do that. You just have to digitize the lakeborder or 
get it from another source (e.g. arial photo) and export it to a raster 
map.  with the help of r.report you'll get the area of the lake. to 
spare computing time I would mask the area out. i'm not quite shure if 
v.area does the trick for vector maps.


> Dear GRASS Users
> I want  to calculate one lake's yearly area change at the time scale 
> which may be from 1980 to now. ( Ibnur Lake which located 
> approximately in E82, E84, N44, N46, in China's Uighur Autonomous Region).
> And my problem is,
>   1. Can I do this job by using GRASS?
>   2. If so, is there any free GIS data(?) on the Internet that I can 
> use for my purpose to calculate the lake's area?
>   3. If there are, what the process I will follow to get this work out?
> Heartfully Thanks To You
> Sincerely
> *********************************
> Galip.Yasin
> University of Tsukuba
> Mater's Program in Environmental Science
> aderes: Japan, Ibaraki Province Tsukuba City
> e-mail: s01k154 at shako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp 
> <mailto:s01k154 at shako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp>
> *********************************

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