[GRASSLIST:330] Re: GRASS and the Norwegian coordinate systems (NGO48)

Paul Kelly paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Tue Jun 10 04:59:05 EDT 2003

On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Paul Kelly wrote:
> ngo48 datums. I will look at adding support for the ngo48 datum to the
> GRASS CVS tomorrow, although you can always add it as a custom datum or
> add the details to the datum.table and datumtransform.table files yourself
> if you want, using the details at the above website.

I have done this now; if you get the latest GRASS CVS version you can
create a new location and select ngo48 for the datum, choose the default set
of parameters for the datum transformation. The central parallel is 58,
central meridian for zone I should be entered in the format 06:03:22.5E
and similarly for the other 7 zones (details at
http://crs.ifag.de/country_select.php?country=NO ). For false easting,
false northing, scale on central parallel and units you can just select
the defaults and that should be it.

You can then r.proj, v.proj and s.proj your data between NGO48 locations
and the newer datum.

Paul K

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