[GRASSLIST:335] Re: How can I do for getting a lake's area?

H Bowman hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 10 07:44:22 EDT 2003

> note d.what.vect reports area statistics as well; has anyone compared
> the answers from that with that of:
> r.report units=me
> r.stats -a
> ?
> (for a suitably high resolution raster of course)

ok, I just tested this, thought I'd share the results.
(Summary: everything works fine, don't worry about it.)

At 10m resolution:
(r.report uses r.stats, so they have the same answer)
> r.stats -a -n 
10 36703800.000000

> r.poly
> d.what.vect
Area - Category 10 
Size - Sq Meters: 36703600.000

other areas reported slightly under as well, but that may just be the
corners being cut off, in which case the vector area might more correct
anyway. It's very slight effect though.


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