[GRASSLIST:572] Re: Grass installation
Buchan Milne
bgmilne at cae.co.za
Mon Jun 30 13:55:25 EDT 2003
Hash: SHA1
Luca wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> I'm Luca, an italian agronomist, (it's my first message, today I'
> ve registered myself also to italian GRASS list).
> I've two questions:
> (1) I know there are some newsgroups about GRASS, but I don't know why
> they often don't work (in a lot of news servers), or are not utilized.
> anyone know anything about it?
> They are:
> info.grass.user
> info.grass
> info.grass.programmer
> (the only news server I'have seen they are really provided is:
> news.ttnet.net.tr; here everyone can write his messages too (not only
> read), but noone write on this newsgroups...could we begin?).
> Besides the newsgroup I've found on Baylor's GRASS site:
> gis.grass.grasslist doesn't work (I don't know why) and also does't work
> its server "news2.sinica.edu.tw:119".
> I would like to utilize this resources too (it may more simple to get
> informations about GRASS).
> (2) Second problem (my real problem): I'm a beginner.....
> Yesterday I've downloaded GRASS 5.0.2 second time (first was tar.gz,
> second has been .rpm (grass-5.0.2-2.i386.rpm)).
Why? Mandrake 9.1 has a grass package (5.0.0) in the contribs.
Where did you get this grass rpm?
> I hoped raise to install GRASS, but Linux (Mandrake 9.1)
> konsole said to me it required some libraries:
> -gdal< =1.1.8
> -libcrypto.so.2
> -libfftw.so.2,
> -libgdal.1.1.so,
> -libgd.so.1.8,
> -libpng.so.2,
> -libssl.so.2.
Not sure of the vresions but all the required libs are avialable in
Mandrake 9.1, some of them (libgdal) in contrib.
> I've tried to install more easily making click over the .rpm file, but
> he sai to me some things:
> (a) The signature of the packet was wrong (the signature was made on
> monday 23.06.2003 with DSA key) - impossible to control the signature:
> public key not found;
This is normal for a package not in the main distribution.
> (b)I tried to carry on with installation, but it follows a
> notice telling that there was a conflict .... after they were listed the
> libraries I listed before and besides an other: libpq.so.2 .
Yes, this is the kind of problem you have when using rpms from a
different distribution.
> I don't know what to do... i woul like to learn to utilize GRASS, but I
> finded very difficult to install it and I've found a lot to study it (in
> italian too), but nothing about installation.
> If could be useful, I tell you my PC is a PENTIUM 4, 1.7 GHZ, RAM=640 Mb.
> Perhaps difficulties depend I'm a Linux beginner too... I hope anyone
> can tell me anything about it.. after it looks to me not so difficult to
> learn how to use GRASS.
Easiest way to install grass:
1)Go to http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon and add a "contrib" source from a
mirror near you (you can also do this by installing and running urpmi
.setup as follows:
# urpmi urpmi.setup
# urpmi.setup
2)As root, run:
# urpmi grass
(of course, you can install it from the software manager too).
3)Wait for the menus to update, then start grass from
Applications->Sciences->GeoSciences->Grass, or start it from a shell with:
$ grass5
An updated grass rpm (5.0.2) for Mandrake 9.1 is available from my site
(http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/9.1), but you should not need it
just to get started with grass.
- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
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