[GRASSLIST:5709] Re: v.proj problems - state plane to UTM

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sun Mar 2 13:59:03 EST 2003

Paul Kelly wrote:

> > Also, I can't figure out how to change locations  except by exiting and
> > restarting grass.
> This is the conventional way to change locations. There is a new quicker
> way but I can't remember it either. Exiting and restarting cleans up
> temporary files etc. so it is a good idea to do it regularly.

The "quick hack" way is:

	g.gisenv set=LOCATION_NAME=<new location>

However, this doesn't do any locking, so don't do it on a shared
database. Also, long-running programs (e.g. tcltkgrass, NVIZ, display
monitors) won't recognise the change.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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