[GRASSLIST:5793] Re: Geometry/topology/Mapserver

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Mon Mar 17 08:03:28 EST 2003

On Monday 17 March 2003 12:22 pm, pradeep anakkathil wrote:
> Hi All,
> A mixed bag of questions!
> (2) Why cant MapServer see PostGRASS/PostGIS polygons, but can only see
> lines, boundaries and points?

Note: PostGIS is supported by 5.1.

PostGIS is not topological, GRASS is topological. GRASS stores
boundaries of areas in PostGIS and topology (areas) are
built and stored in GRASS. MapServer accesses PostGIS directly 
and doesn't know about topology stored in GRASS.
If you want to use GRASS areas in MapServer you can:
1) Export areas to polygon layer in PostGIS or shapefile (v.out.ogr)
2) Ask and pay Frank to add vector support for GRASS 5.1 to OGR
3) Write topology extension for PostGIS.


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