[GRASSLIST:5816] cross correlation

Martin Wegmann m.wegmann at web.de
Thu Mar 20 18:32:20 EST 2003


I computed various landscape metrics in different scales and for different 
years. before i start doing stats with my GRASS data and the animal data 
sets, I want to look for cross-correlation of the image data sets. To get to 
know the correlation values of each image composite to all the others and 
probably afterwards (depending on the results of the crosscorr.) a PCA.

is something like that possible? 
I am uisng GRASS 5 pre5 and  I have already installed R (1.6.2-1)

thanks in advance, cheers Martin 

Martin Wegmann
Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
Zoology III, Biocenter
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
wegmann at biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
m.wegmann at web.de

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