[GRASSLIST:49] Re: GRASS 5.0.1 Debian packages.

Sandro Klippel sandro.klippel at talha-mar.com.br
Fri May 16 00:47:50 EDT 2003

On Thu, 15 May 2003 17:11:26 +0200
Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de> wrote:

> On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 11:49:05AM -0300, Sandro Klippel wrote:
> > I have a debian package of the grass 5.0.1
> Good to know. Why don't you say so earlier. :)

Well, it is a homemade package. 
It was created with the intention of install the grass 
in ours own machines.

> > Add the lines:
> > 
> > deb http://www.talha-mar.com.br/linux/debian ./
> Doesn't work yet.
>    Forbidden
>    You don't have permission to access /linux/debian/ on this server.
>    Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.talha-mar.com.br Port 80

Work with the apt-get. The access to the directory is not permitted,
only to the individual files. 

The file www.talha-mar.com.br/linux/debian/Packages.gz 
contain the list of packages

> > deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/ unstable main non-free contrib
> > 
> > in the sources.list file
> Why is non-free needed?

Sorry, really does not need the 'non-free', 
Probably only 'main' is necessary.  

Unfortunately the grass was compiled with unstable libraries, 
that is as we use here.  


> 	Bernhard

Sandro Klippel <sandro.klippel at talha-mar.com.br>

talha-mar projetos ambientais
Conselheiro d'Avila 190 
Porto Alegre,RS 91040-450
+55 (51) 3344-7451

w w w . t a l h a - m a r . c o m . b r

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