[GRASSLIST:131] r.in.gdal not working

Edmund Blackadder edmund at helmug.gr
Wed May 21 20:00:24 EDT 2003

one more problem for me..
When I compiled 5.0.2 on OS X 10.2.6 compilation failed for r.in.gdal  
and Nviz but it was ok for me then as I was needed at that time the the  
functionality of them...But now I  need r.in.gdal. I downloaded the CVS  
version of it and tried to compile it with gmake5.I have libgdal1.1  
installed in usr/local/lib

The following error occured:

[Edmund-Blackadders-Computer:src/raster/r.in.gdal] edmund% gmake5
   SRC     = /Users/edmund/grass5.0.2/src
   CMD     = /Users/edmund/grass5.0.2/src/CMD
   UNUSED  = /Users/edmund/grass5.0.2/unused
   HEADER  = head.powerpc-apple-darwin6.6
   ARCH    = powerpc-apple-darwin6.6
   GISBASE = /Users/edmund/grass5.0.2/dist.powerpc-apple-darwin6.6
   VERSION = 5.0.2 April 2003
   make -f OBJ.powerpc-apple-darwin6.6/make.rules

gcc -L/Users/edmund/grass5.0.2/src/libes/LIB.powerpc-apple-darwin6.6   
r.in.gdal OBJ.powerpc-apple-darwin6.6/main.o  
OBJ.powerpc-apple-darwin6.6/make_loc.o \
         -ldl -lproj -lgis  -lintl -lI  -lz
ld: Undefined symbols:
make: ***  
r.in.gdal] Error 1

Then as I downloaded and installed the binaries but but r.in.gdal was  
exiting with error:
GRASS 5.0.2 > r.in.gdal
dyld: r.in.gdal can't open library: /usr/local/lib/libdl.1.dylib  (No  
such file or directory, errno = 2)
Trace/BPT trap

I have the libdl.0 in usr/local/lib but not libdl.1.dylib

Any workarounds for both problems?


Konstantinos Theofilis

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