[GRASSLIST:180] Re: Errors compiling GRASS on SuSE 8.2 system

Johannes Bühler johannesbuehler at oderbruecke.de
Sun May 25 17:49:53 EDT 2003

I got the same error messages on the SuSE 8.2 system.
did someone already figured out what went wrong and have any solution to
solve this problem??

Thanks for your help.

Johannes Bühler

On Wed, 21 May 2003 02:12:52 -0700
JDougherty <jwd at softcom.net> wrote:

> I am running into the following compiling GRASS 5.0.* on a SuSE 
> 8.2 system. 
> *:~/incoming/grass5.0.2> cat error.log
> GRASS GIS compilation log
> -------------------------
> Start of compilation: Wed May 21 01:53:08 PDT 2003
> Errors:
> Compilation error in module: src/misc/m.kappa (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src/raster/r.in.doq (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src/raster/wildfire (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src.garden/grass.postgresql (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2 (ignored)
> End of compilation:   Wed May 21 01:58:18 PDT 2003
> The grass.postgresql error is a problem.  Can someone explain what 
> the difference is between this new SuSE and the previous version 
> that would cause these errors?
> Thanks,
> John

--          Johannes Buehler
   __O      Feldstr. 45
 =`\<,      14789 Greifswald 
(=)/(=)     johannes.buehler at uni-greifswald.de
----------- 03834 509307

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