[GRASSLIST:243] Re: How can I change the 16bit TIFF file to 8bit TIFF file?

David Mahoney mahoneyd at unbc.ca
Wed May 28 15:25:28 EDT 2003

You will have to use another program, like the Gimp, ImageMagick
  or Photoshop.


On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 05:36 AM, Alip.Yasin wrote:

> Hello!!!
> I am a biginner of the GRASS.
> Please tell me, how can I change a 16 bit TIFF file to 8 bit TIFF file 
> when
> I am trying to import a TIFF file into the GRASS using [ r.in.tiff] 
> command?
> Heartfully Thankes to you
> Sincerely
> *********************************
> Galip.Yasin
> University of Tsukuba
> Mater's Program in Environmental Science
> aderes: Japan, Ibaraki Province Tsukuba City
> Amakubo 2-1-1 Hirasuna11-119
> e-mail: s01k154 at shako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
> *********************************

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