[GRASSLIST:1081] i.target,i.points,i.rectify

Uttam Kumar uttamkumar123 at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 1 08:00:45 EDT 2003

    I have some raster layer maps in X,Y coordinate system. While doing the 
Geometric correction, I made an imagery group and subgroup in the same 
LOCATION and MAPSET. Then I created a "new" LOCATION and MAPSET with 
Latitude and Longitude as coordinate system; (while creating the LOACATION I 
changed the coordinate system to lat-long matching to the value of the 
place). While using i.target I made the target as the "new" LOCATION and 
MAPSET. Then I used i.points and i.rectify to perform the geometric 
correction. After the rectification process was over, I found that the map 
created in the "new" LOCATION was showing only a blank page in the X window. 
Even when specifying the coordinate as default in the "new" LOCATION, the 
result obtained is a blank page. How to perform coordinate conversion from 
x-y to lat-long while performing rectification. Please HELP. Thanks.


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