[GRASSLIST:1087] Re: Looking for a guru...

Nick Cahill ndcahill at facstaff.wisc.edu
Tue Sep 2 12:05:38 EDT 2003

I'm no guru in any sense, but have you tried just installing the 
precompiled binaries from the web site 
(http://www.geo.unipr.it/~grassmirror/grass5/binary/mac_os_x/)? My 
understanding is that these are the same binaries that are used on the 
Open OSX CD. I haven't tried the postgres option, but have been using 
GRASS on Mac OSX for a number of years (since they brought out OSX) and 
installed it many times without real problems. I would be interested to 
know if these include the postgres interface, though. I installed 
postgres without too much difficulty, too, using the binaries from Marc 
Liyanage (http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/postgresql/). I have 
not yet used them together, or tried to. I too would much rather run it 
on OSX than on a linux box.


Nick Cahill
Dept. of Art History
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706

On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 09:23  AM, Bill Dickinson Jr wrote:

> Hey there:
> I have been running in circles for about 2 months now trying to get
> GRASS installed on my OS X box and have yet to get it successfully
> running. If there is someone out there who has successfully installed
> and is currently running GRASS on their Mac, and would have the time
> to talk me through yet another installation attempt, I would
> appreciate the assist. My "friends" keep telling me to stop beating
> my head against the OS X wall and simply use a Linux box, but being a
> Mac-fanatic I would really like to have it working on my Mac. ;-)
> Thanks.
> Bill
> -- 
> Bill Dickinson
> GIS Specialist
> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
> Environmental & Safety Branch, Code 250
> wdickins at pop700.gsfc.nasa.gov

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