[GRASSLIST:1091] sites

Ian Macmillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Tue Sep 2 16:20:40 EDT 2003

Hi all, got a question about sites.  I have not had luck importing ascii files
with sites, so I have been making my own files and placing them directly into
the site_lists folder.  This has worked ok, except that I am not sure how to
get any atrributes to be recognized.  The format that I think I am supposed to
use is something like:

name| allsonora
desc| allsonora
labels| east north category ID age mineral
form| | | # @
590231| 3237428| #1 @"1"
677434| 3204584| #2 @"2"

but somehow I can't get grass to read this.  I also would like to add more
categories, but only for some sites, not all.  I figured I should do something
like this.

name| allsonora
desc| allsonora
labels| east north category ID age mineral
form| | | # @ @ @
590231| 3237428| #1 @"1" @"" @""
677434| 3204584| #2 @"2" @"" @""
496106| 3150481| #60 @"IMSL03" @"13±0.3" @"gmass"

again no luck.  I can sometimes get the sites file read in, but I haven't been
able to see the attributes separately.  I think that I have tried all
combinations of adding and deleting spaces, with no luck.  Any ideas about what
I am doing wrong?  I am using Grass 5.0 on OSX 10.2.6 and using rich-text
format (.rtf) files for my sites created in TextEdit.


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