[GRASSLIST:1279] mySQL database

Andy Callan acallan1 at nd.edu
Thu Sep 18 03:42:50 EDT 2003

I'm trying to get some geochemical data into GRASS and currently have it in two forms, 
as a mySQL database and in a tab-delimited text file.  I have postgresql installed from the 
OpenOSX cd but that was done before I got here and I'm not really sure how to get 
PostgreSQL running on its own due to confusion about permissions and how much the cd 
install actually setup the PostgreSQL server (is the db cluster setup, which user owns the 
it and the db server, etc).  My question is what would be the easiest way to get this data 
into grass, a multidimensional sites file or is there some way to get my mySQL table 
either into GRASS or converted into PostgreSQL so the GUI will be able to see it?  Many 
thanks again.

Andy Callan
St. Thomas More College
Rm M112
Mounts Bay Rd.
Crawley, WA 6009
IM: CALid05

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