[GRASSLIST:1362] Re: creating a desktop GIS application using GRASS

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri Sep 26 04:37:49 EDT 2003

On Thursday 18 September 2003 18:07, Paul Kelly wrote:
> But I just feel that data I/O should maybe be treated differently. The
> whole vector library should not be re-licenced as in 5.7 it includes
> interfaces to advanced analysis functionality, e.g. directed graph stuff
> and all the 'cleaning and tidying' of non-topological data (wasn't it
> recently merged into the Vlib?). So there would need to be a separate
> clearly defined I/O library (for reading&writing to the GRASS database) if
> this re-licencing was going to happen. But Glynn already said he would
> re-write the raster i/o functions for 5.7 so there is some scope there.

Better I/O than nothing. I don't quite understand, why do you fear,
to relicense whole lib/vector/Vlib to LGPL? It is mostly original code 
from CERL (public domain) + my improvements, so no big problem 
with contributions under GPL. 
Or do you worry that LGPL discourages new contributors?
No, GPL does! During 4 years of GPL did not appear any new developer
contributing to vectors and from those who were working on vectors we lost:
David D. Gray, Eric G. Miller and Bill Hughes (sorry if I forgot anybody).


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