[GRASSLIST:3188] GRASS newsletter -- call for articles and volunteers
Martin Wegmann
mailinglist2_wegmann at web.de
Thu Apr 15 16:40:23 EDT 2004
Dear GRASS user,
well the idea of a GRASS newsletter is born and hopefully we will get off the
ground soon. Thanks to the R editorial board I received the tex file of their
newsletter so that the GRASS newsletter has a base to start on.
Do get off the ground, we need articles and volunteers to do
- a benign review (e.g. eliminating of grave mistakes)
- a check for grammer and spelling (native speaker?)
- help with Latex editing, I am not an expert in it yet and if somebody has
advanced latex skills it would be nice to create an own GRASS newsletter
articles should cover (only a rough classification and heavily influenced by
earlier proposals and my personal ideas, please feel free to modify the
- basic GRASS capabilities (stable release only), what GRASS can do (perhaps
comparison of GRASS with other GIS/RS tools like ArcView, ArcInfo, ErMapper,
ERDAS etc.), contributions of the command line would be good, so that readers
can redo it
- advanced GRASS capabilities, presentation of certain modules (modelling,
statistics etc)
- presentation of new/noteworthy module, rather technical, what can it do &
how (command line)
- programmer niche, like "what developer have to be aware of", or something
like "how to become a GRASS developer - step 1"
- article about forthcoming 5.? capabilities, new interface etc. (incl. fancy
images ?)
- how did the GRASS development evolved - separated by 5.0.3, 5.3, 5.7 .... ,
what are the main problems, sum up of discussions etc.
- interviews, news & upcoming events
well just my few ideas
!! fancy images are welcome !! please use the eps format
please write your article in Latex and if you do not know Latex yet, just use
these few commands :
\title{your title}
\author{by first author and second author}
\section{the name of your section}
your text ....
to insert an image do
my picture can be seen in \ref{label of your image} ...
\includegraphics{the name of the image}
\caption{\label{label of your image} the caption of your image}
\section{name of another section}
.... text ....
if you want to cite please use :
what have been document by \cite{name:year}
if it shall be in parentheses use \citep{}
at the end of your article write:
\bibitem[surname et~al.(year) surname first author, second author, and
first author, second author and third author
\newblock the title of the paper
\newblock {\em name of the journal}, volume, page, year
thanks for your time, regards Martin
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