[GRASSLIST:3216] building topology on vector file?

Christopher Fonnesbeck chris at fisher.forestry.uga.edu
Mon Apr 19 20:11:50 EDT 2004

With a recent cvs build, I am getting strange warnings when displaying 
some vector layers:

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > d.vect streams type=line
WARNING: Cannot open category index file for vector 'streams at PERMANENT'.

More importantly, when I try and run some functions on these layers, I 
get the following error:

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > d.what.vect
WARNING: Cannot open category index file for vector 'streams at PERMANENT'.
ERROR: streams at PERMANENT: You must build topology on vector file

I'm not sure  what it is referring to in terms of building a topology, 
but I have never had this error with previous builds of 5.7.

Any hints most welcome,

Christopher J. Fonnesbeck ( c h r i s @ f o n n e s b e c k . o r g )
Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia

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