[GRASSLIST:3228] finding elevation at nodes

Christopher Fonnesbeck chris at fisher.forestry.uga.edu
Tue Apr 20 10:16:49 EDT 2004

I am trying to determine the elevation of stream segments by using 
v.what.rast. I realize that I need to generate points on these stream 
segments in order to do this, so I tried using v.to.points on the 
stream layer:

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > v.to.points input=streams output=streams_points
6581 primitives registered
0 areas built      8%
0 isles built
Number of nodes     :   5917
Number of primitives:   6581
Number of points    :   6581
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   0
Number of centroids :   0
Number of areas     :   0
Number of isles     :   0
6581 points written to output map

However, when I try and use the resultant layer, stream_points, GRASS 
claims it does not exist! For example, trying to display the points:

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > d.vect stream_points
ERROR: Vector file [stream_points] not available

Any idea how to use this layer?

Christopher J. Fonnesbeck ( c h r i s @ f o n n e s b e c k . o r g )
Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia

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