[GRASSLIST:3235] v.in.ogr - cannot create geometry table. What is the problem??

Craig Aumann caumann at ualberta.ca
Tue Apr 20 15:41:32 EDT 2004

Afraid I'm rather new to all this.  Just trying to read in a shape file
as in the Tutorial.  Below are the steps I have gone through.  
I'm running Red Hat Enterprise 3 and using their Postgresql database.


GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/grass57/netdown/Orig_L1/play > db.connect driver=pg

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/grass57/netdown/Orig_L1/play > v.format
g.gisenv store=mapset set=GV_FORMAT=POSTGIS
g.gisenv store=mapset set=GV_PGIS_DATABASE=dbname=L1,user=caumann

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/grass57/netdown/Orig_L1/play > v.database driver=pg

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/grass57/netdown/Orig_L1/play > v.in.ogr 
dsn=conl1a_fin.shp output=l1ashp A datum name nad27
(North_American_Datum_1927) was specified without transformation
WARNING: Non-interactive mode: the GRASS default for nad27 is
Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match.
Proceeding with import...
D2/3: Vect_open_new(): name = l1ashp
D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D3/3:   format = 2
D1/3: V1_open_new_post()
D3/3: set_frmt_post(): name = l1ashp
D3/3: parse_conn()
D3/3: parse_conn : dbname=L1,user=caumann
D3/3: token 0 : dbname=L1
D3/3: token 1 : user=caumann
D2/3:   db = dbname=L1,user=caumann
D2/3:   host = (null) port = (null) options = (null) tty = (null)
D2/3:   database = L1 user = caumann password = (null)
D3/3: setup()
D1/3: SELECT COUNT (tablename) FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename =
D1/3: SELECT COUNT (tablename) FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename =
D1/3: CREATE TABLE l1ashp_geom  ( id int4 PRIMARY KEY, type int4 CHECK
((type > 0) AND (type < 5)), geom  geometry);
WARNING: Cannot create geometry table
         ERROR: Type "geometry" does not exist
ERROR: Cannot open new vector l1ashp at caumann
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/grass57/netdown/Orig_L1/play >

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