[GRASSLIST:3318] GRASS 5.7 postgresgl-odbc

Steve Sherman ssherman at cemml.colostate.edu
Fri Apr 30 15:15:17 EDT 2004

I am attempting to get GRASS 5.7 to run on my Fedora machine. I loaded 
the binary release and it is have some problems finding certain 
libraries...what's new. Anyhow,  Hamish has graciously provided me with 
a list of required packages (for RH 9) and I have managed to track down 
most of them. But I've had some trouble finding the postgresql-odbc 
package. I am confused, because I have been able to track down  
and postgresql-odbc-7.1-1..LS1.i386.rpm. However, I get the impression 
from the PostgreSQL mirror sites that the official ODBC driver is 
psqlodbc-07.03.0200.  What should I use? Does it matter?


Hamish wrote:

>>I am new to all of this stuff so forgive me if this question is dumb.
>>I have loaded GRASS 5.7 on my computer running Fedora Core 1. It won't
>>open and I assume it has to do with the required libraries listed
>>    * libpq (e.g. libpq3-7.3.4-2mdk.i586.rpm)
>>    * proj (e.g. proj-4.4.7-1mdk.i586.rpm)
>>    * libproj (e.g. libproj0-4.4.7-1mdk.i586.rpm)
>>    * libgdal(e.g. libgdal0-1.1.9-2mdk.i586.rpm)
>I take it this is a pre-compiled binary?
>Note the "mdk". These are Mandrake RMPs, not Redhat/Fedora. :/
>Download & build the CVS versions of PROJ.4 and GDAL and install into
>  see http://www.remotesensing.org/projects/hosted.php
>>When I search for the libraries at www.rpmfind.net (i.e. "libpq") a
>>huge list of different versions comes up. Which ones are the correct
>>ones for my situation?
>No idea.
>FWIW, this is what was needed for redhat 9:
>use "rpm -q PACKAGE" to test, then "rpm -Uvh PACKAGE-1.2.3-4.i386.rpm" 
>to install..
>>Will the ones created for Mandrake work on my Fedora machine?
>You might get lucky, but I wouldn't count on it.
>good luck,

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