[GRASSLIST:4165] Re: Map import cluelessness

H B hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 11 02:26:30 EDT 2004

> i.points.
> This command brings up an interface in your monitor where you select
> points to register.  There are two ways to do this.  First (using
> keyboard), you can click a point on your scanned map, then enter the
> coordinates of this point in the format of the projection you want.  
> So for your case, you are going to enter in something like
> 25.78 45.80
> this is your latitude and longitude in your target location (NOT the 
> xy coordinates that are given back to you on screen).  You would 
> typically get these points from lat-long that is on your scanned map,
> for example if you have a grid with degrees on your map.

Just a heads up: a week or two back I fixed i.points to accept lat/lon
input in the usual GRASS lat/lon format (ddd:mm:ss.sssH) as well as
decimal form.


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