[GRASSLIST:5016] latest 5.7-cvs can't connect to MySQL

Dylan Beaudette dylan at iici.no-ip.org
Wed Dec 1 16:06:25 EST 2004

Hi everyone,

I just noticed that I can no longer connect to my MySQL tables from within 
GRASS 5.7-cvs..

before I could execute:
db.connect driver=mysql 

and i could then work with tables in MySQL...

now, even after setting the connection parameters with db.connect, i get the 
following errors when executing `db.tables -p`:

-------------error messages-------------
db.tables -p
WARNING: 'user' in database definition is not supported, use db.connect
WARNING: 'password' in database definition is not supported, use db.connect
DBMI-MYSQL driver error: mysql_real_connect() error (1045): Access denied for 
user: 'dylan at localhost' (Using password: NO)

and the following shows up in mysql.log
Access denied for user: 'dylan at localhost' (Using password: NO)

...somehow GRASS 5.7-cvs from last month was able to connect to mysql, but the 
latest one is having problems passing some parameters (username and password) 
to mysql

any ideas?

thanks in advance

Dylan Beaudette
Soil Science Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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