[GRASSLIST:5036] Re: how to create WIND3 in GRASS 5.0.3

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Dec 3 05:19:03 EST 2004

On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 03:48:18PM +0100, Michaela Kinberger wrote:
> dear list,
> in the book "Open Source GIS - A GRASS GIS Approach" I found an example 
> for s.vol.rst with an examle location of slovakia.
> everthing was ok, then I tried with my own data. But I got an error: 
> WIND3 or WIND3_Default could not be  found.
> How can I create this WIND3 (g.createWIND3 isn´t included in GRASS 5.0.3)?

You have to update.

The G3D modules are almost working in 5.4.0.
They work even better in 5.7-CVS as volume visualization
was integrated into NVIZ recently:


With GRASS 5.0.3 it's almost impossible to work with G3D.

Hope this clarifies the situation


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