[GRASSLIST:5127] Re: v.in.ogring 33MB shapefile eats up whole memory

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Sun Dec 12 09:43:46 EST 2004

On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 01:31:04PM -0600, Huidae Cho wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to import a 33MB shapefile having 23MB dbf with v.in.ogr.
> Besides it's really slow, it ended up with memory shortage error.
> Yes, the file is somewhat big, but I don't understand why it requires
> more than 512MB physical memory + 1GB virtual memory. Is it common?
> It is fine with a small shapefile.
> I'm using the latest CVS version of 5.7 in Cygwin.


there might be one or several memory leaks in either the vector
engine or the DBMI engine.

Please try 'valgrind' or other tools to identify these memory leaks
(if existing).

Speed: v.in.ogr is translating simple features to the GRASS topological
model which is naturally slower than sticking with simple features.
However, code optimiziation might be possible (vectlib, DBMI lib, modules).
This requires some more skilled people with time...



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