[GRASSLIST:5220] v.in.ogr advice needed

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Wed Dec 22 17:43:56 EST 2004

I have some shape files that I want to import into 57 and need some 
v.in.ogr usage advice. The structure of the directory with the shape 
files is thus:

barbaloot:~/Desktop/shape_files kirkw$ ls
polys_t59_v1.dbf        polys_t62_v1.sbn        polys_t65_v1.dbf
polys_t59_v1.shp        polys_t62_v1.sbx        polys_t65_v1.shp
polys_t59_v1.shx        polys_t62_v1.shp        polys_t65_v1.shx
polys_t59_v2.dbf        polys_t62_v1.shx        polys_t65_v2.dbf
polys_t59_v2.shp        polys_t62_v2.dbf        polys_t65_v2.shp
polys_t59_v2.shx        polys_t62_v2.shp        polys_t65_v2.shx
polys_t59_v3.dbf        polys_t62_v2.shx        polys_t65_v3.dbf
polys_t59_v3.shp        polys_t62_v3.dbf        polys_t65_v3.shp
polys_t59_v3.shx        polys_t62_v3.shp        polys_t65_v3.shx

 From my read of the help file each set of shape files would constitute 
a layer, and the command should be

v.in.shape dsn=~/Desktop/shape_files ouput=shape_files

However, I get the error that the projection does not match the current 

GRASS 5.7.cvs:~ > v.in.ogr dsn=Desktop/shape_files/ output=shapefiles
ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location.

        name: UTM
        datum: nad83
        towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
        proj: utm
        ellps: grs80
        a: 6378137.0000000000
        es: 0.0066943800
        f: 298.2572221010
        zone: 15

        cellhd.proj = 0 (unreferenced)

        You can use the -o flag to v.in.ogr to override this check.
        Consider to generate a new location with 'location' parameter 
        input data set.

So I tried importing into a new location thus:

GRASS 5.7.cvs:~ > v.in.ogr dsn=Desktop/shape_files/ output=shapefiles 
Layer: polys_t59_v1
WARNING: Default driver / database set to:
          driver: dbf
          database: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/
*** malloc_zone_calloc[16817]: arguments too large: 3887818265,8
*** malloc_zone_calloc[16817]: arguments too large: 3887818265,8
*** malloc_zone_calloc[16817]: arguments too large: 3887818265,8
*** malloc_zone_calloc[16817]: arguments too large: 3887818265,8
*** malloc_zone_calloc[16817]: arguments too large: 1096034345,4
*** malloc_zone_calloc[16817]: arguments too large: 1096034345,4
Bus error

Can someone enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks

Kirk R. Wythers	
Dept. of Forest Resources
University of Minnesota
email: kwythers at umn.edu
tel: 612.625.2261
fax: 612.625.5212

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