[GRASSLIST:2555] problem in NVIZ

temiz temiz at deprem.gov.tr
Wed Feb 11 02:16:55 EST 2004


when I try to use nVIZ in grass5.03 and slackware 9.1,
I encountered such a this problem:
can't read "Priv(.top2.panelarea.panels.main.bframe.pers.scale,relief)": 
no such element in array
can't read "Priv(.top2.panelarea.panels.main.bframe.pers.scale,relief)": 
no such element in array
    while executing
"$w configure -sliderrelief $Priv($w,relief)"
    (procedure "tk::ScaleEndDrag" line 4)
    invoked from within
"tk::ScaleEndDrag .top2.panelarea.panels.main.bframe.pers.scale"
    (command bound to event)

what might have caused this problem ?

kind regards

Ahmet Temiz - TURKEY

Inflex - installed on mailserver for domain @deprem.gov.tr
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