[GRASSLIST:2260] trend surfaces - can't get image of residuals

Carlos Henrique Grohmann guano at usp.br
Sat Jan 17 13:24:39 EST 2004

Hello all,

Things are starting to work on trend surfaces analysis.
I've converted my raster to sites and used sites.get() in R, so it comes as a
data.frame, and surf.ls() works well. using trmat.G() and rast.put(), I can get
the trend surface back into GRASS. 

The problem now is with residuals. I don't know how to put these values into a
matrix, to get an image or get it into GRASS.

if I use residuals(), I can see thet its output is the same as the $wz in
surf.ls() output...

here goes some of what I have:

> bases<-sites.get(G,slist="isobases",all.sites=F)
Warning message:
Old style sites file
> str(bases)
`data.frame':   3509 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ east : num  678148 672602 672608 680412 663768 ...
 $ north: num  7785498 7785472 7785468 7785468 7785462 ...
 $ id   : int  321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 ...
 $ num1 : num  680 680 680 640 720 640 720 720 720 720 ...
 - attr(*, "nncols")= Named int  2 -1 1 0
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr  "dims" "cattype" "dbl.att" "str.att"
> b2<-surf.ls(2,bases$east,bases$north,bases$num1)

> str(b2)
List of 11
 $ x   : num [1:3509] 678148 672602 672608 680412 663768 ...
 $ y   : num [1:3509] 7785498 7785472 7785468 7785468 7785462 ...
 $ z   : num [1:3509] 680 680 680 640 720 640 720 720 720 720 ...
 $ np  : num 2
 $ f   : num [1:21054] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ r   : num [1:21] -59.237   4.521 -36.100 -22.345   0.472 ...
 $ beta: num [1:6]  945.2 -251.6  142.0   23.1  -48.5 ...
 $ wz  : num [1:3509] 241.8 166.0 165.8 211.4 -46.8 ...
 $ rx  : num [1:2] 657858 681048
 $ ry  : num [1:2] 7762302 7785498
 $ call: language surf.ls(np = 2, x = bases$east, y = bases$north, z =
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "trls"

> b2r<-residuals(b2)
> str(b2r)
 num [1:3509] 241.8 166.0 165.8 211.4 -46.8 ...

thanks in advance
        Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Guano  
    Geologist - MSc Student at IGc-USP - Brazil
       Linux User #89721  ICQ: 214752832

> Hello all
> I'm trying to do some trend surface analysis with GRASS data in R, but I
> with some problems:
> 1 - when I get the raster from GRASS, surf.ls() doesn't accept it, since
> its not in x,y,z format:
>> str(isobase)
> List of 1
>  $ isobases.auto: num [1:241266] 771 770 769 768 767 ...
> So, how can I change this to a format that surf.ls() understands?

isobase$isobases.auto is the z argument. You can generate the x by east()
of the object returned by gmeta(), and y by north() of this object. I'm
not sure how well surf.ls() scales to this number of points, though.

> 2 - I'll try several degrees of surfaces, so I'll use surf.ls(), but
> what about residuals? can I get them with residuals()?
Yes, residuals() should work. Again, scaling to this number of points is
an issue. On the other hand, the residuals and fitted values will drop
straight into the GRASS location.


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