[GRASSLIST:2306] Re: Grass57 debuglevel

Sjors jkwast at freeler.nl
Wed Jan 21 09:36:15 EST 2004

Hi list,

As I'm new to programming and still learning some aspects of programming 
for Grass are complicated and strange. Luckily I got some help from a 
freind how is a far better programmer then I am. After 3 days we figured 
it out. This not documented well, regard the following

> On Sunday 18 January 2004 18:02, Christopher Fonnesbeck wrote:
> /> Try using: /
> /> /
> /> g.gisenv set=DEBUG=9 /
> /> /
> /> for debug level 9, for example. /
> Currently the maximum debug level used is 5, AFAIK.
This is right but the environment variable GRASS_DEBUG_FILE should be 
put in .bashrc or .bash_profile and not in .grassrc57. This is a bit 
confusing and we figured it out by looking at the debug code and the 
fact that a day later it all went wrong again. The first day we first 
tried to do it by putting it all in .bash_profile. Environment variable 
handling in Grass is very very complicated!!!!!!!!!

> /> > Hello list, /
> /> > /
> /> > How can we set debug level and debug file in grass57? We tried the /
> /> > environment variables GRASS_DEBUG_LEVEL=9, DEBUG=filename1 /
> /> > GRASS_DEBUG_FILE=filename2, v.digit did not report any debug info 
> to /
> /> > filename. /
> /> > /
> /> > How can we compile just 1 module again in grass57? Executing make 
> in /
> /> > module dir, compiled just the object files, but not the executable. /
> Which module, standard module or your own? Just to run make in the module
> directory should be enough if Makefile is written correctly.
> Radim

A standard module.  As I'm learning, I do this mostly by looking at old 
code and trying to get the idea by playing around.  Suppose I should 
look at the makefile somewhat better.

Greetings Sjors 

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