[GRASSLIST:2331] NEXRAD radar stage III precipitation estimates into GRASS 5.x

Thomas Adams Thomas.Adams at noaa.gov
Thu Jan 22 13:20:15 EST 2004

Sorry for the delay getting this out. Attached are 4 files:

(1) xmrg2ascii.c - C source code to convert an 'XMRG' file into an ASCII 
file of point values

(2) sumxmrg.pl - a Perl script that will sum the hourly XMRG data into a 
user determined number of HOURS - that is, the point values will be 
summed across files

(3) xmrg0328200019z - an example XMRG (binary) file created on a BIG 
ENDIAN (non-Intel) computer, so you may need to do some byte swapping 
(modification of the code) on an Intel based Linux machine

(4) xmrg0328200019z.asc.gz - ASCII output from (3)

A few notes:

- to compile xmrg2ascii.c:  gcc -o xmrg2ascii xmrg2ascii.c -lm  (need 
the Math library)

- the data in the XMRG files are stored in hundreths of mm and the 
default is to convert to inches, so change the following line in the 
source as needed:

    fprintf(stdout,"%9.4f  %7.4f  %.2f\n",-ll.x,ll.y,(double)zval / 2540.0);

- you'll need to either modify this C source or write a script to write 
the output to the GRASS site file format, which is pretty 
straightforward to do

For more information regarding 'XMRG' file format and the means by which 
the data is created go to http://www.weather.gov/oh/hrl/pps/pps.htm


Thomas E Adams
National Weather Service
Ohio River Forecast Center
1901 South State Route 134
Wilmington, OH 45177

EMAIL:	thomas.adams at noaa.gov

VOICE:	937-383-0528
FAX:	937-383-0033

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct
	double x;
	double y;
HRAP HrapToLatLong(double,double);

/* This utility program was written by Mark J. Fenbers at OHRFC in the late
Winter of 1997.  It is one that reads the XMRG format (as it is conventionally
called), first utilized by Stage 3 software from OH, and determines the
lat/lon coordinates for each grid point and writes these out along with the 
grid point's value.  In other words, it is an XMRG to ASCII reformatter for
use by other programs.  Output grid values are converted from 100ths of mm to
hundredths of inches. */

int main(int argc,char **argv)
	FILE *fpi;
	int fourbytes,hrapi,hrapj,numi,numj,i,j;
	char userid[11],dttm[21],process[9],leftover[120];
	unsigned short int zval;
	HRAP ll;

	/* If no command-line arguments are supplied, use "standard input,"
	otherwise, attempt to open file given as command-line arg.  Output is sent
	to "standard output." */
	if(argc < 2)
		fpi = stdin;
		if((fpi = fopen(argv[1],"rb")) == NULL)

	/* The XMRG file format is a FORTRAN "free-format."   FORTRAN (using free 
	format) encapsulates each data record with a four-byte integer giving the
	number of bytes in the data record.  These integers before and after each
	data record can be ignored in C programs (after being read in). 
	"fourbytes" is a dummy variable to read in this wrapper from the record. */

	/* Read in starting HRAP coordinate and number of rows/cols */
	if(fourbytes - 16 > 0)
		fread(leftover,1,fourbytes - 16, fpi);
	fprintf(stderr,"hrap-i,j = %d,%d  nx,ny = %d,%d\n",hrapi,hrapj,numi,numj);

	/* Read in creation information (user, date/time, generation process) */
	if(fourbytes - 42 > 0)
		fread(leftover,1,fourbytes - 42, fpi);
	fprintf(stderr,"userid = \"%s\"\ndate/time = \"%s\"\nprocess = \"%s\"\n",userid,dttm,process);

	 /* Loop to read/process/write each grid point */	
	for(j = 0; j < numj; j++)
		for(i = 0; i < numi; i++)
			if(zval & 0x8000)
			ll = HrapToLatLong((double)(hrapi + i),(double)(hrapj + j));
			fprintf(stdout,"%9.4f  %7.4f  %.2f\n",-ll.x,ll.y,(double)zval / 2540.0);
			/* fprintf(stdout,"%9.4f  %7.4f  %x\n",-ll.x,ll.y,zval); */

/*  HrapToLatLong: converts from HRAP coordinates to latitude-longitude   */

Function type:
   HRAP structure

Called by function:

Functions called:

Global variables:
   HrapToLatLong - function
   LatLongToHrap - function

Local variables:
   tlat - float; standard latitude in radians
   earthr - float; earth's radius (km)
   xmesh - float; mesh length at 60 deg North
   raddeg - float; conversion from radians to degrees
   stlon - float; standard longitude
   ll - HRAP structure; latitude/longitude

******************************************** BEGIN HrapToLatLong ***********/

HRAP HrapToLatLong(double hrap_col, double hrap_row)
	double x, y, rr, gi, ang;
	double tlat, earthr, xmesh, raddeg, stlon;
	HRAP ll;

	earthr = 6371.2;
	stlon = 105.0;
	raddeg = 57.29577951;
	xmesh = 4.7625;
	tlat = 60.0 / raddeg;

	x = hrap_col - 401.0;
	y = hrap_row - 1601.0;
	rr = x * x + y * y;
	gi = ((earthr * (1.0 + sin(tlat))) / xmesh);
	gi *= gi;
	ll.y = asin((gi - rr) / (gi + rr)) * raddeg;

	ang = atan2(y,x) * raddeg;
	if(ang < 0.0)
		ang += 360.0;
	ll.x = 270.0 + stlon - ang;

	if(ll.x < 0.0)
		ll.x += 360.0;
	else if(ll.x > 360.0)
		ll.x -= 360.0;

	return ll;

/********************************************* END HrapToLatLong ***********/

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