[GRASSLIST:3807] Importing e00 files in 5.7

Michael Ash mash at econs.umass.edu
Mon Jul 5 11:22:57 EDT 2004

I am very pleased to see the release of 5.7 and think it's
terrific.  Thank you to everyone who made it possible.

In December 2003, there was an exchange on grasslist about
importing e00 files in 5.7 (and the absence of m.in.e00 in
5.7)  Markus Neteler suggested two approaches:

- either enable OGR to read E00 ASCII format (most code is already
  there, see OGR bugtracker for exactly this request)
- port m.in.e00 to v.in.e00 in GRASS 5.7

As a heavy importer of e00 files into GRASS (and hence a
heavy user of m.in.e00 in earlier versions), I would be
interested in helping with this effort.  I have relatively
limited programming experience and no experience programming
for GRASS, but I'm careful and I'm willing to do boring work
if someone points me in the right direction.

Does anyone have a suggestion about whether it's easier to
port m.in.e00 or to enable an e00 driver in OGR?  (The
former sounds easier to me, but what do I know?)

Can someone send me the source for m.in.e00, and give me a
basic sketch of what is entailed by "enable OGR to read

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Michael Ash, Assistant Professor
  of Economics and Public Policy
Department of Economics and CPPA
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Tel 413-545-6329 Fax 413-545-2921
Email mash at econs.umass.edu

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