[GRASSLIST:3883] Geophysics White Paper, 1st Revision

Benjamin Ducke benducke at compuserve.de
Tue Jul 13 13:12:15 EDT 2004

To everyone interested in GRASS 5.7 geophysics applications:

Please find attached the latest revision of the white paper
that describes the to-be-developed GRASS 5.7 geophysics framework.
It took quite some time for this update to happen, but I decided
to overhaul and simplify basically everything.

Those of you who have read the first version of the document should
find everything easier to understand, less overloaded with terminology
and generally untangled.

These are my suggestions on how to proceed from here:

1. check and improve white paper: 
- spelling and other mistakes, legibility
- any fundamental changes necessary?
- anything that would appear flawed/not to work by design?

2. Complete white paper
- make a list of filter functionality
- additional functionality needed?
- have the white paper reviewed by external peers

3. Start coding!
The following things could be coded in parallel:
- raster data filters
- tcl/tk GUI for selecting filters and parameters
- tcl/tk GUI for creating colour ramps
- modules for data import etc. as outlined in the white paper
White paper should be turned into regular documentation and completed
in the process.

So, who has got some idle time to spend on these things?

Michael: I tried to merge most of your ideas with mine. Hope you can
live with the result.

Craig: I put your description of data corrections into the white paper (sec. 3.2).
I think, there would be need for the same thing regarding standard
filters, like high pass, low pass, destriping etc. (sec. 3.1).
We also need some thoughts on how to handle the filter list using XML.

I have put both your names on the author's list. Maybe you would like
to also add institutions and e-mail addresses?

Hamish: I hope the 'd|v.survey.grids' module addresses the field sheet functionality
you were asking for


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